What is simple, understandable and credible social and environmental impact communication? What is its role in cross-sectoral cooperation? How can existing and widely known and accepted frameworks be used and still remain personal and unique?
During the talk, the social enterprise Fruit of Care presents the impact system developed in the Focus on Impact project. FRUIT OF CARE has been bridging the gap between companies and social enterprises and NGOs since 2010. It ensures that the latter’s products reach companies as corporate gift products. FRUIT OF CARE’s value proposition is twofold: on the one hand, it sells high-quality products (gourmet, handicraft and cosmetics) as gifts and gift packages, and on the other hand, it makes a positive impact on the various disadvantaged people who make the products and put them together, contributing to their income and social inclusion.
FRUIT OF CARE’s new social impact methodology is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is compatible with ESG frameworks, helping communication and understanding between corporate partners and organisations working on social issues. An important element of the FRUIT OF CARE impact framework is to demonstrate the change in the lives of disadvantaged people alongside the SDGs, allowing customers to share their personal stories of how their purchases have contributed to positive and personal change.
In the podcast, social enterprise leader Áron Jakab and Zsuzsanna Majoros, who participated in the development of the new methodology, discuss the trends and limitations of social impact measurement and present the new methodology. Afterwards, two suppliers of FRUIT OF CARE and their employees will be introduced. They will talk about the positive social impact of the organisation and the employees will tell their own stories of positive impact.
- Áron Jakab, founder and sustainability expert of FRUIT OF CARE
- Zsuzsanna Majoros, social impact expert
Social enterprises:
- Petra Steiner, Elfogadás Sütöde Szociális Szövetkezet (Acception Baking Shed Social Cooperative)
- Mrs Istvánné Mácsi, Mayor, Trizsi Ízek Start Mezőgazdasági és Szolgáltató Social Cooperative